My book “Four minutes past midnight” is ONE OF the most loved children's books of all time in the Netherlands

De Grote Vriendelijke 100

My children’s book Four minutes past midnight made the list of the top 100 most loved childrens book through all time in the Netherlands, when thousands of adults and children voted in the De Grote Vriendelijke 100. The book can be found as number 47! It is such an incredible honor, and I actually shed a tear of happiness when I got the news. This book, so apart from all else childrens literature, has found readers and love in such distant places.

I almost can not belive it - I am the only Swedish author on the list, besides Astrid Lindgren.

Thank you to my agent Salomonsson, my publisher Kluitman in the Netherlands, the translator Lammie Post-Oostenbrink and the amazing and wonderful illustrator Jeska Verstegen.

Voting and running of the list is organized by the huge reading site, with more than 330.000 members, together with the national De Grote Vriendelijke podcast. The list of the top 100 list was made public at a big event in Tivoli Vredenburg, and the 500 tickets was sold out in 20 minutes.

The full list: